Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Ravishing Radish...........

I always thought the radish was a humble little vegetable.  It is oddly mishappen and rather funny looking with its pointy bottom and sparce little roots.  The radishes I have here at home are a brightly colored red.  Red is one of the most flamoyant of colors and anything but humble or boring. Red is hot and spicy.  Red is just what you need when you feel sad, when you want to make a statement, or spice things up a little.  Perhaps the radish is not so humble after all..........

Radishes are usually sliced or chopped and tossed into a salad.  In the past I have been guilty of buying those little bags of them in the produce section and weeks later, found them in the back of my fridge, sadly forsaken.  The best way to buy radishes is in bunches, with the greens and roots attached.  Wash them well and slice them, dice them, or bite into them whole. The radish is a root vegetable and is pungent or sweet in taste with a lot of juice.  Radishes are white, red, purple, or black, long, cylindrical, or round in shape.  They are eaten raw, cooked, pickled, or added to fresh homemade vegetable juice.  Here are some of the health benefits these ravishing gems offer.  I guarantee, after reading this, you will never forsake the radish again.......

Radishes contain antioxidants which help prevent the body from developing cancer.  It is believed that they mainly aid in the prevention of colon, breast and colon cancer.  They also contain vitamin C so if you are not a fan of oranges or orange juice and want to get your daily dose of this essential vitamin naturally, munch on a few radishes. Radish leaves contain almost six times the vitamin C and are also a good source of calcium.  They are also rich in potassium, folic acid, and copper. 

The radish is especially beneficial for liver and gallbladder function.  It regulates production and flow of bile, bilirubin, acids, enzymes, and removes excess bilirubin from the blood, being a good detoxifier.  It also contains enzymes like myrosinase, diastase, amylase, and esterase.  Radishes help protect the liver and the gallbladder from infections and ulcers and help soothe them.

If weight loss is your goal, add radishes to your diet.  They are tasty, filling and rich in fiber. They are low in calories, low in carbs, high in roughage, and contain a lot of water.  Snacking on radishes will fill you up quickly and might just satisfy that urge to nosh on something crunchy.  

Finding this all hard to believe?  Have some slices of radish.  You will feel better, look better; in fact, you will look and feel quite ravishing...........

Next I will be sharing some recipes for the ravishing radish...... stay tuned!

And this is my Daily Cyn............

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