Monday, November 29, 2010

Post Thanksgiving Tips...........

Well, the Thanksgiving holiday is behind us.  The left-over turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie are long gone.

Just about everyone I know is starting some kind of diet today to lose the excess weight they gained over this past weekend.  It's tough to avoid over-indulging during the holidays.  How could you not when you are surrounded by all the delicious foods you love in such abundance? Now your pants are tight, you are exhausted, and you panicked just a bit when you stepped on the scale this morning!

 How do you get back on track successfully? Here are a few suggestions:

Forgive yourself......
You ate an entire pumpkin pie! No...not at one sitting but one sliver after the next until it was gone.  Who can resist pumpkin pie? Rich, creamy, sweet and spicy--not to mention--absolutely delicious when slightly warm and topped with vanilla ice cream. Don't punish yourself for what you ate this weekend.  Be kind and gentle with yourself.  We all indulge now and then.  If you continue to beat yourself up about it, you will find it impossible to stop over-indulging and will continue on the path of non-stop eating from now until the new year.

Start off slow.........
If this has been a weekend of continous feasting today is NOT the day to fast, starve, or begin a crash diet.  So many people jump right into starvation mode after feasting.  Instead, consider eating cleansing foods.  Drink plenty of filtered water with fresh lemon (lemons are very cleansing).  Make a big pot of soup. You can use the leftover turkey if you want--just toss what's left (carcass and all--just trim all the fat and throw away any small bones) into a big pot--add some carrots, celery, onions, a potato or two, and some vegetable broth or water and let it simmer. Serve it with your lunch and dinner. Sip it between meals if you get hungry. You want to eat foods with a high water content this week.  Water is cleansing. Be sure to include lots of fresh fruit, salad, and green vegetables into your diet.  Turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, homemade bread and biscuits and several slices of pie are taxing to your body.  They make your digestive system work at a much slower pace.  This is why you might still feel sluggish and bloated. Now you need to eat food that is going to move through your system quickly.

Step away from the Crappy Carbs.....
Chances are you have eaten plenty of bread, rolls, biscuits and pie crust over the past few days. Try to avoid these types of foods for the next week or so.  What do I mean by Crappy Carbs? Anything made from white flour and white sugar: bagels, muffins, croissants, rolls, pasta.  These foods will only make you feel even more bloated and sluggish. Concentrate on fresh whole grains like brown rice and quinoa.  Consider hot multigrain cereal or oatmeal with fresh fruit for breakfast instead of your regular egg and cheese on a roll.

Think Lean Protein.........
I am sure you had your fill of turkey until the next holiday.  You need lean types of meat like grilled chicken and grilled wild salmon or your favorite mild fish.   Use meat as a garnish rather than the main focus of your dinner plate. Eat stir fry with lots of fresh veggies over brown rice with a few strips of chicken on top.  If you are adventurous, toss some tofu in your stir fry instead of meat.  Try to avoid beef, hamburgers, pork, cold cuts and fast food. Again, these are hard on your digestive system.  Make a few of your meals completely meatless, if you can.  Your body will thank you.

Avoid Sweets
Did you over-dose on sugar this weekend?  All that left-over pie, ice cream, fresh whipped cream, home made cookies. Give your body a break and try to avoid cake, cookies, pastries and other white-flour, white sugar treats for awhile. Eat plenty of fresh fruit to satisfy your sweet-tooth.  Bake apples or pears. Core them, sprinkle with ground cinnamon, and put them in the oven in a pan filled with a bit of water for about 30 minutes. Baking fruit brings out the natural sweetness.  Slice your baked apple or pear in half, top with a dollop of vanilla yogurt and you have a delicious, satisfying dessert.

Move your Body........
Don't forget to exercise! If you started your holiday shopping, park as far away as you can from the entrance of the shopping mall or your favorite store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work.  Take a walk during your lunch break.  Chances are, your pet had a little extra food, too.  Your dog will love getting outside for some exercise with you.  Enroll in a yoga class, kickboxing, or dance lessons.  Anything to get your body moving and burning those extra calories.

You will start to feel great again and any excess weight you might have gained will melt away in no time if you follow these simple suggestions.

And this is my Daily Cyn........

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