Here are some suggestions of gifts from the heart. Some will just cost a few dollars, others cost nothing at all..... but they will be priceless to the ones who receive them.
A song that you personally sing. Out loud. With music, without music. Doesn't matter how you sound. Who wouldn't want a love song sung to them? I know I certainly would. Or a copy of a favorite song- yours or theirs. How about a compiliation of several different songs on CD? Each time they listen, they will be reminded of how much you love them. One year, my son gave me a collection of all his favorite rap songs on CD. I was so touched that he took the time to record all those songs and share a piece of himself with me. We had great fun dancing around the house to it or listening in the car on road trips. Another great idea: print out the lyrics to a treasured song, glue it onto a piece of wood and shellac over it. Or, put it in a lovely frame. No money for a frame? Dozens of beautiful picture frames can be found at the local thrift or second-hand store for a just couple of dollars. Perfect.
It really doesn't cost much to have a photo enlarged. It can be a photo of you and your sweetie, a picture of family, a recent outing or a favorite place. You can put in a frame, or not. You can make a collage of photos. Just glue them onto poster board. Decorate it with pine cones, bits and pieces of this and that, and captions you write out by hand in ink or colored markers. You can also make a slideshow of photos and copy it onto a CD. A friend of mine did this for her boyfriend. She didnt have much money and agonized over what to give him as a gift. She took all their photos from their years together, set it to music and made the most beautiful slideshow for him. Her lack of funds forced her to be creative and she produced something that the two of them will have forever. No item bought in a store, no matter how expensive, could ever compare.
A Tree.............
I saw this idea in a craft magazine and thought it was absolutely perfect. This is wonderful gift to give to a nature lover. All you need: glass containers or jars (large mason jars are perfect), potting soil, water, and pine tree saplings. You can purchase these at your local nursery or at Just plant the little trees in the potting soil in your jars, add water, and wrap with beautiful ribbon. I love this! The smell of pine and mini trees displayed in a window or on the table. The best part: you get to plant them and have a tree forever!

Gifts from your kitchen.........
Do people rave about your home-made chicken soup or your marinara sauce? Why not make big batches and give them out as gifts? Pour into glass Mason jars and tie ribbon around them. I am giving everyone in my family jars of my home-made "unchicken" noodle soup. You can bake loaves of banana bread. Add chocolate chips to the mix for a special sweet surprise. Wrap them up in pretty colored cellophane paper. Gorgeous. How about cookies, spiced nuts, homemade candy, or flavored popcorn? These are simple and inexpensive gifts you can make and will be loved and appreciated.
Yes, I know it's a bit corny but who wouldn't want a booklet of coupons? They can be love coupons or coupons for your mom or dad loaded with chores you will do on any given day. Or you can make a booklet of blessings or affirmations--messages of love, hope, and encouragement. Whether you choose to print them out on your computer or lovingly handwrite each one on colored paper, this can be fun and only costs pennies to create.
A basket of pine......
Do you have a collection of old wicker baskets gathering dust? Pass them on. Go out into your yard with clippers, cut several branches from a pine tree, arrange them in the baskets. Add some holly berries, a few pinecones, tie a bow around the handle and VIOLA! You have a gorgeous hostess gift, the perfect present to give to someone who lives in a tropical climate, or for a friend who lives in a small city apartment. The pine clippings will last for weeks and the fragrance encaptures all the beauty of the season.
Home-Made Body Scrub.......
This is so easy!! If you can find clear plastic, wide-mouth jars, all the better. Glass jars will work but they can be hazardous when used in the shower. Look on-line or at your local craft store for the plastic jars. You will need almond oil, fine sea salt and a few drops of scented esssential oil. Pour almond oil into the jar, filling about half way. Add the sea salt (about a 1/2cup or more depending on the size of your jar), stir with a wooden chopstick or other wooden utensil, add more almond oil to top off, and then a few drops of your essential oil (for fragrance), mix again. You can get so creative with the scents. Mix a few together for your own "trademark" fragrance. You can find scented essential oils at your local health food store and a tiny bit goes a very long way. Cover tightly and tie a pretty ribbon around your jar. If the almond oil is a bit too costly for you, you can also use baby oil. It's just as lovely and much cheaper if you plan on giving out several jars of body scrub.
Christmas shouldn't be about who can give the biggest and most expensive gifts. How often we fall into that trap. We lose sight of the whole message of the season. Great love was poured out upon all man-kind. In turn, why not pour all your love into your gift giving.
And this is my Daily Cyn..............
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