Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

I love football. I absolutely adore Super Bowl Sunday. It's all about football and a great excuse for a party.  Everyone knows, I love a good party.

For the past several years, I would do just that. The plan for Super Bowl was arranged weeks in advance with all my friends.  Most of the time, we would be out all Saturday night, grab a few hours of sleep, meet at our local bar for Bloody Marys, and spend the entire day laughing, drinking, and eating.  Long after the game was over, I would still be hanging around, not quite ready to go home. I was having too much fun. Superbowl Sunday always evolved into this:

And right around sunrise, this would be me.
Work was always on the agenda the next morning and I would never dare call in sick.  I had to get a few hours of sleep and because I prefer my nice warm bed to the alternative....

Some how I would manage to get home in one of these. 

Thankfully, I was their best customer and all the drivers knew exactly where I lived because by that time, I certainly had no idea.

Miraculously, I never missed a Post- Super Bowl Monday at work but it wasn't easy.  I would be exhausted, hung-over and grouchy. Thank God for life savers:

This year, Super Bowl Sunday was different.  Of course plans were made, but I chose not to take part. My phone rang off the hook all day and night but I never answered it.  My friends left "Where the heck are you?" messages. This year, I decided to have a little party at home - a  nice, quiet, reserved afternoon and evening with my family.  You see, for most of my adult life I have always been too busy having fun to spend any real quality time this guy.....

......my wonderful dad who always has time for me.  Now that he faces the fight of his life with colorectal cancer, I don't know how many more Sunday afternoons I will get to spend with him.  There are no guarantees, no promises....just an overwhelming feeling to seize and enjoy the moments while I have them. Funny how priorities can change in an instant.

We laughed, we ate, we drank beverages that did not contain any alcohol, and enjoyed the game together. The next morning, I was well-rested and able to greet the day cheerfully.  No stress, no regrets, and no hangover!

And even though my team didn't win........... :(

It was the best Super Bowl Sunday I ever had.

And this is my Daily Cyn...........

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