I openly admit, without reservation, shame or guilt--I am a Shoe Whore! I became completely obsessed the day my mom brought home the most gorgeous pair of white patent leather platform sling-backs with five inch heels. They were the most amazing shoes I had ever seen. It was 1972. I was ten years old. I fell in love with those shoes and couldn't wait to grow up so I could wear heels just like them.
As the years rolled by, my obsession with shoes grew. I had dozens of boots, sandals, pumps, and peep-toes in every color imaginable. The higher the heel, the better. All through my teenage years into adult-hood, I never owned a pair of flat shoes. I still don't! (Sneakers are NOT shoes!)
As my career flourished, so did my income and taste for finer things. I was able to afford better shoes. Designer shoes. I was like a junkie with a bad habit. I couldn't pass a shoe store in the city without stopping in and buying a pair or two. I never thought twice about spending large sums of money on my habit. I was of the persuasion: the better the shoes, the better the person. I never settled for anything less than the best. And they had to be leather. Only leather!

I have been a vegetarian for over a decade, but this past November, I decided to become a full-fledged Vegan. This was no impulsive decision. I considered this transition for quite a few years but simply wasn't ready. A Vegan consumes no animal products: no meat, fish, eggs, milk, or cheese. To actually eat this way requires a life-style change. It takes commitment and dedication. It's not easy, which is why I waited so long to make the change. It's an evolution process, really. The more deeply involved I become, the more concerned I am for myself and the world around me. I have dedicated myself to this way of life for many reasons: some ethical, some spiritual. My health history also play a part in all this. Cancer, heart disease and diabetes run rampant in my family. I am terrified of all that.
I believe, in my situation, being vegan is the best and healthiest way to live, eat and prevent sickness and disease.
I am conscious of everything I put in and on my body. Everything I eat is plant-based and almost every product I use is vegan, cruelty-free and environmentally friendly. Occasionally you might find a plastic bag or bottle in my home. It does take time to break habits and it's no easy task to change your lifestyle. I have no problem admitting I am far from perfect. The one thing I do have a problem with is being a hypocrite. Leather shoes- leather anything- for a true Vegan is a big no-no! I have a whole closet full of sexy heels- all leather. I have been side-stepping this issue for several months now but I can ignore it no longer. What am I going to about my shoes?
I've donated a portion of my shoes to good-will but I am not about to get rid of the rest of my collection. Tossing them or allowing them to just sit in my closet to rot is really kind of a waste, don't you think? I am proud to say, I am no longer as obsessed with shoes (meaning they are no longer a quick temporary fix), but I still do love 'em. This week, I finally made a decision. I will keep and ocassionally wear what I have and never purchase another pair of leather shoes. No matter how gorgeous, sexy or inexpensive they are- if they are made of leather- no deal. This does pose a bit of a dilemma.
Eventually, I am going to need (want) to buy new shoes.
I've considered my options before and I have a real big problem.......
Have you seen what Vegan shoes look like?

NO WAY!!!!
Yes, I am a vegan but the sterotypical look and attire that seems to goes along with that lifestyle--NOT ME! I look ridiculous in those shapeless little cotton dresses and sensible shoes. I am forty-nine years old, for goodness sake and I need a little make-up--cruelty-free, of course. I love my black tank tops (all organic cotton), jeans (recycled) and HEELS. I am not about to give up my quest for sexy vegan shoes. I visited stores, flipped through catalogs and searched the internet but found nothing. Well, that's not completely true. Stella McCartney designs incredible, sexy vegan shoes but the price tag on a pair of her heels is more than my monthy rent. With the lifestyle change came a job change. I can no longer afford to prance around the city like Carrie Bradshaw buying expensive designer shoes- leather or otherwise.
I could go into some cheap store and buy shoes constructed of man-made-who-knows what-kind-of-material! I do know gals on a budget who buy sexy heels for less than twenty bucks. These poorly made shoes make their feet ache and after one or two nights of dancing, the heels whittle away to nothing. Call me a snob, but I really don't want to do that! I want eco-friendly shoes and I don't want to waste my money.
I am doomed! I must either be a hypocrite or learn to be content in a pair of sensible, non-leather, eco-friendly Mary-Janes. I'm sorry, but there's nothing sexy about wearing the same style shoe I wore in Catholic School!
I enlisted a few of my friends to join me in the hunt for sexy vegan shoes. They might not understand my reasons, but they do understand my passion for shoes. One friend sent me a link, insisting I take a look. I reluctantly did as she asked and imagine my surprise when I saw page after page of truly sexy vegan heels! And the best part? Affordable!
Shoes like these:
And these........
Sexy, vegan, eco-friendly shoes!
I don't have to give up my love and obsession for shoes. I can be who I am in my sexy heels and rest in knowing another living thing has not been harmed at my expense.
And this is my Daily Cyn......
Hi Cynthia,
ReplyDeleteGreat read - have you heard of Beyond Skin? They ship worldwide & are in sale at the moment... Great fashion vegan heels. xx