Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Do The Right Thing..............

"I think we have a little voice inside us that will guide us. It may be God, I don't know. But I think that if we shut out all the noise and clutter from our lives and listen to that voice, it will tell us the right thing to do." - Christopher Reeve

I think if lived in a place like this, I would hear the sound of my own inner voice.....

Nothing to hear for miles but the joyful chorus of the birds welcoming the sunrise
The screech of an owl late at night
Crickets in the distance
Rain falling on the roof........

I would always make good decisions and do the right thing if I lived here........
But here?
Never a quiet, dull moment. Constantly moving, constantly changing. An  assault on all the senses--an overdose of sight, sound, taste, smell, touch. Survival depends on constant motion and awareness.  And there are so many opportunities to do the wrong thing......
In a place like this, it would be difficult to stop, think, to look within, and hear that small still voice..........

And to do what's right.....for ME.
We can't always choose our location, but we all have the ability to turn off the noise, close the door to stress and drama......despite our surroundings.
We don't have to join a meditation group to do this, go to church or practice yoga. These are wonderful tools that do help find us to find that peaceful place within and to hear that small, still voice.......but they are not essential.
All we really have to do is STOP.

And just listen............

We all have an inner voice. We decide to let it speak or to keep it quiet. Most of us choose to silence it.


In very subtle ways............

We are always plugged in to something: TV, radio, internet, i-Pod, cell phone

And even more subtle............

We work too much.
We eat too much.
We drink too much.
We spend too much.
We sleep too much.

And very often, as a result, we make bad decisions and poor choices.............

Because we have no idea who we are. We don't know what's right for US..........
We never take the time to stop and listen.............

Even in the most tranquil setting, our inner voice can remain silent. Our minds work overtime and we are exhausted, frustrated, stressed, confused. We have no idea where we are going or what we want to do.

In the midst of hectic surroundings, we can still hear that small still voice if we are willing to just shut up for a moment and listen................

Stop. Listen. Honor your inner voice by giving it permission to speak. It is never pushy. It never shouts. It whispers. It weeps gently and longs for you to hear it.  Let it guide you. It is never wrong. It is always right.....

And this is my Daily Cyn.......

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