Saturday, July 9, 2011

One Moment of Understanding.......

“Run your fingers through my soul. For once, just once, feel exactly what I feel, believe what I believe, perceive as I perceive, look, experience, examine, and for once; just once, understand.” ~ Unknown

Forty-nine years old and still searching for true love.......


I don't think so.



So many failed attempts. So much hurt and disappointment. But each time I fail at love, I learn new things about myself. New strengths. New weaknesses. I also discover that I am not always as open or as loving as I think I am. Or capable of being.....

Love is trail and error. You try it on for awhile to see if it fits. If it doesn't, you take it off and try, try again....

Yeah. Yeah. I know. Love is a decision. I am supposed to wake up every morning and decide, no matter what, I am going to love this person.

The truth is.....I never stop loving. Never......Once I give love, I never take it back.....

But, I do separate myself from those who destroy me with their lack of understanding of who I am and why..... and punish me because they do not understand.....

That's when I walk away and just send light and love everytime I think of them-- in an Eat, Pray, Love sort of way.

Because the love and understanding I have for myself is greater than the fear I have of being alone.

I know what I want. I know what I need. I refuse to settle for anything less. And if by chance, I do not find it, I will be content with me, myself and I.

I know I will never find the perfect mate. But to find someone willing to look deep within my heart and soul and understand.....that is perfection. I don't need someone to always agree with me,  believe as I do, or think the way I do. But just once, I need someone to truly see who I am and why.......and consider my heart and soul precious, valuable, and genuine. And fragile. Very, very fragile.

Yep....that is what is what I am looking for.

Impossible? Perhaps.......

Just one moment of understanding can bring a lifetime of forgiveness, mercy and grace. And love.......

That's all I ask for......That's all I want.

And this is my Daily Cyn......

1 comment:

  1. Aw, honey, God has the perfect person out there just waiting for you...His timing is perfect! It will happen in His time! I just know it! And you deserve to be loved the way you love, fully, deeply, emotionally! I love you, my friend!!
