Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Simple Cure for TIRED People

The most common complain from my clients (besides weight issues) is they never seem to have enough energy. They're just tired all the time. They're fatigued, drained, sleepy, lethargic, exhausted and can't figure out why.

When we're tired, we become cranky, moody, and snippy with the people around us. If we feel this way all time, eventually we lose our enthusiasm for life. We simply don't have the energy to really enjoy anything.

Most people think the answer to constant tiredness and lack of energy is SLEEP.  Sometimes it is. If you only get a couple of hours of sleep every night, my advice would be: GO TO BED! I know life is hectic and some of you never have a free moment to sit down and rest. My suggestion would be to slow down and take a chill pill once in awhile. However, the majority of my clients are regular, ordinary people with jobs, families, busy lives, and pretty normal sleeping habits. Regular, ordinary people who are just tired all the time- with no real explanation.

Does this sound like you? Tired, dragging all the time? You get your seven or eight hours of sleep a night yet you wake up tired, manage to get through the day on half-a-tank, come home and just can't seem to keep your eyes open or muster up enough energy to do anything? You even sleep in on the weekends, yet that makes you feel even more tired. What the heck is going on?

Well.... what are you eating? The foods you eat have a direct impact on your energy level. Poor food choices = poor energy. Poor energy and lack of it, makes you tired.

Let me give you an example. I once had a co-worker who constantly complained about being tired.

This was her typical morning breakfast.....

Every morning she dragged her butt into the office, huffing, puffing and complaining about being tired, plopped down in her chair and ate this. Every day this was breakfast!

She got that SUGAR RUSH to accomplish a few morning tasks but a couple of hours later.........

This was her............

When lunch time rolled around, she ordered this:

Or, if she happened to be feeling fat that day....

But regardless of what she ate for lunch- a few hours later...........

So she would try to keep herself going with this:

And this..........

And by the end of the day she was like this..........

Which made her even more tired.

She was nasty, miserable, complained about everyone and everything. She couldn't even fake it. She didn't enjoy life and it showed. Why? Because she was always so tired.............

She hated me. She couldn't understand how I could be twenty years older, work the same amount of hours doing the same job, yet still manage to cram all my chores, shopping, exercise, fun, activities, dating, travel, concerts, shows, time with family AND show up to the office every morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. She had no energy to do anything but sleep; even on the weekends. And she was still always so tired...........

Then she started asking questions and that is how she became my client. We fine-tuned her diet a bit and she began to feel better. In fact, so much better that she quit working with me (she hated the job), moved back home to be closer to her family and now she is a certified Fitness Instructor. Imagine that?

If there is no physical explanation for your chronic tiredness (meaning your doctor cannot find anything wrong with you)- the solution could be as easy as changing your diet. Food is fuel but the choices you make for breakfast, lunch and dinner could be the wrong fuel for your body and your lifestyle. 

What happens if you put the wrong type of gasoline in your car? It might run but it doesn't run properly. It stalls, it hesitates, burns more gas than usual, sometimes it conks out completely. Same with your body. It's functioning- but not on all cylinders. If you continue to push yourself with the wrong type of fuel, just like your car, eventually the engine will seize and you won't be going anywhere.

Does any of this sound familiar? Perhaps you could use a bit of fine-tuning- starting with your diet.

CONTACT ME and let's chat........

And this is my Daily Cyn............

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